your website , regardless of their ability?
Our Managed
Web Accessibility
Solution for WCAG &
ADA Compliance:
- Increases Your Audience & Reach
- Minimizes Risk of Civil Law Suits
- Increases Your Positive Reputation
Starts at:
per year per website

Don’t Risk A Lawsuit
Your website’s lack of compliance could open your business up for possible law suits that could cost you thousands of dollars.
This rise of ADA lawsuits may have been noticed because of the big cases (Domino’s, Nike, Beyonce, you name it) but the real target has been small and medium businesses. It’s estimated that 60% of ADA lawsuits filed in federal and state courts in 2018, were made against small and medium businesses in the retail industry.
Data from law firm Seyfarth Shaw shows that “more than 11,400 people filed an ADA Title III lawsuit in 2021—a 4 percent increase from 2020 and a 320 percent increase since 2013.”
We spend more time online than ever before. We rely on it for our news, ordering food, and staying in touch with those we love. Unfortunately, more than 20% of the population is unable to use most of the Internet content due to a disability. Our goal is to make the online world more inclusive.

Why choose Leap Interactive’s accessibility solution?
We’ve partnered with developers of the most widely used accesibility software and enhanced it with our management system to deliver a solution that constantly scans your website for compliance.
Patented technology
Powerful AI-Powered solution
Disability community-led
Guided by the disability community
Highest success rate
By a tremendous margin
Click on the yellow icon on the bottom corner of this website and see what our accessibility solution is all about.

Getting started with ADA accessibility is easy. Simply complete the form and we’ll be in touch to set up your free trial.